Alignment of Activities With Our Principles and Values
At its April 17, 2024 monthly meeting the First Unitarian Board of Trustees approved a policy bringing into alignment church activities with our principles and values. This policy statement applies to both onsite activities (activities on the grounds of or in the building of First Unitarian Church of Pittsburgh), as well as activities or programs sponsored by this Church that are off site.
The language for onsite activities was approved by vote of the board. The board also asked the Council of Communities to develop a procedure for reviewing offsite activities, that the board has also reviewed. Both statements are presented below.
How does this affect you:
• As a member or friend of this congregation, you may be assured that all onsite events, whether church, community, or rental events, adhere to our principles and values.
• If you are proposing an onsite or church-sponsored offsite event, your event will be reviewed as outlined below for adherence to our principles and values.
• If you are a committee that organizes, supports or funds onsite or offsite activities, it will be extremely helpful if you would also review the event as outlined below.
• The standard contract for renting space in our building and/or on our grounds has also been modified to include the statement below.
Statement on Alignment of Activities With Our Principles and Values:
This Statement applies to all events, activities, programming, and outside groups using the space, gratis and rentals, occurring on the grounds of or in the building of First Unitarian Church of Pittsburgh. This Statement also applies to any events, activities or programs sponsored by this Church that are offsite.
All such events, activities, programs and rentals must adhere to the principles and values of the Unitarian Universalist Association ( and to the principles and values of this church ( Groups and activities that do not adhere to these principles and values may not be granted, and/or may lose, access to the facilities and/or sponsorship of First Unitarian Church of Pittsburgh.
• Staff and/or volunteers who normally screen proposals for onsite activities (events, articles, rentals, and other uses of our facilities) will also check for prima facie adherence to our principles and values. No deep dive is needed; just a brief check for any obvious red flags regarding alignment/adherence.
• Staff and/or volunteers screening proposals will have access to the advice and support of the Operations Staff, as discussed in the First Unitarian Personnel Manual, and the Senior Minister in particular. The Operations Staff and Senior Minister are there to reduce staff and volunteer burden in making screening decisions, and can be relied upon to make final decisions about granting or continuing access whenever necessary.
• A separate procedure for reviewing sponsored offsite events has been developed by the First Unitarian Council of Communities, in conjunction with the Operations Staff and Senior Minister, and reviewed by the Board (see below).
• Any member or friend who is concerned about whether an existing, new or rejected activity aligns/adheres to our principles and values can communicate that concern to members of the Operations Staff and/or the Senior Minister, who will make final decisions about granting or continuing access or sponsorship.
• The Operations Staff and/or Senior Minister will keep the President of the Board of Trustees informed about significant decisions and concerns under this policy, and the President at his/her/their discretion will bring relevant issues to members of the Board.
Procedure for Review of Offsite Events to ensure alignment with First Unitarian Church Principles and Values:
All such events, activities, programs and rentals must adhere to the principles and values of the Unitarian Universalist Association ( and to the principles and values of this church ( Groups and activities that do not adhere to these principles and values may not be granted, and/or may lose, access to the facilities and/or sponsorship of First Unitarian Church of Pittsburgh.
Applies to all offsite events either sponsored by or seeking partnership with First Unitarian Church of Pittsburgh such as, but not exclusive to: parade, festival, picnic, rally, or demonstration.
Staff or volunteer leaders on the Council of Communities will provide prima facie review of non-UU organizations by:
• Review of public media outlets such as website, and/or the sponsoring organization’s social media;
• Conduct a general Internet search on the organization;
• Ask for names of at least two referrals of other organizations or people the organization has worked with;
• If any concerns emerge, check with UUA regional staff.