The Hospitality Ministry focuses on membership, welcoming visitors and new members and connecting the congregation to the church and each other.

Membership Team

The Membership Team welcomes visitors and new members to services and events. They host introductory sessions (Intro to UU) and workshops (R U a UU) to answer questions and explain about the church and the congregation. Check the calendar for the next sessions or contact the membership team.

Engagement Team

The Engagement Team helps congregants engage with each other and with the congregation.   Areas of focus may include:

  • Helping newer or less-engaged people (particularly people who don’t fit into any of our typical niches) to become part of the community 
  • Planning social events (virtual or IRL)
  • Organizing coffee hour (potentially using monthly hospitality groups, when it’s possible to have coffee IRL)
  • Planning/organizing other congregational events/activities/discussion groups (virtually for now)

Usher and Greeters Team

Ushers and Greeters welcome members and guests to Sunday services. They are the face of First Unitarian to all visitors.

Find email addresses for all committees, teams & groups

Hospitality Updates

We're sorry. There's nothing new to report. Stay tuned!