Board Self-Assessment Results

Over the past year and a half, your Board and Minister have worked to expand our church’s ability to assess key parts of itself. As part of that effort, earlier this year, the Board conducted its first self-assessment. We also secured a commitment from the UUA to conduct an independent assessment of the Board next year. This will include an opportunity for the Congregation to assess the Board.

The self-assessment involved Board members rating their individual performance and the Board’s performance as a whole in 12 areas, such as financial management, strategic planning, and board committees. Some areas the Board rated as strengths include 1) setting and managing church policies; 2) carefully considering key decisions before the Board; and 3) managing the church’s fiscal health. Top areas we rated for improvement include 1) longer-range fiscal and capital planning; 2) assessing the effectiveness of board and committee structures regularly; and 3) advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion on the Board.