Luncheon Reception for Khasi Hills Visitor


11:30 am - 2:30 pm

Event Type

Our church is excited to welcome Reverend Nangroi Suting of Khasi Hills India. All are invited to a congregation-wide, complimentary picnic-food luncheon after church in the Gallery or possibly Garden. Reverend Suting will be delivering the sermon at church and may also share a 5-10 minute update at the luncheon about the school we sponsor. We’ll also be signing cards for the teachers. With his coming over 7,500 miles to our good city, our team hopes that you can come to the Gallery social hour to greet him. Our church was instrumental in supporting Nangroi’s attendance to our church and the General Assembly through the generosity of the Social Justice Endowment Grant.

Undercroft Gallery and Kitchen

Schweitzer room and Garden

9:00 am set up