Congregation members are invited to meet Reverend Nangroi Suting and Barri Mukhim and hear an update about the school we sponsor by visiting the next Khasi Hills Team meeting. It will be on Sunday, March 26 at 9:00 AM. An opportunity to travel to India in the fall for a special event will be discussed. Contact Karen Litzinger for questions and/or the Zoom Link, Karen@KarensCareerCoaching.com.
If you missed the Partnership Sunday Service on February 26, consider checking out THIS LINK. The surprise “guest” was trailblazer Rev. Annie Margaret Barr whose life we were celebrating as founder of the school we sponsor. Check out the interactive Time for All Ages where the children interviewed Kong Barr at the 14:30 minute mark. At the 36-minute mark you can learn about AMB whom Maureen Porter described in her sermon as “a feisty woman.”