Women’s Alliance Meeting


10:30 am - 12:00 pm


First Unitarian Church of Pittsburgh
605 Morewood Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, 15213

Event Type

The Women’s Alliance will next meet on Thursday, October 19, at 10:30-12 in the Schweitzer Room and on Zoom, your choice. Erica Shadowsong will be talking about her recent visit to Kenya, after our business meeting. Erica is our church’s creative and inspiring Lifespan Religious Education Director. Bring a brown-bag/lunchbox lunch for yourself, and stay at noon for more socializing if you can. Contact Denice Galpern (dgalpern47@gmail.com) or Mary Schinhofen, our Membership Co-chair, (mary@schinhofen.net) with questions, or for the Zoom link (if you don’t already regularly receive our emails.) Join in!