First UU is doing this in multiple ways, and our UUJusticePA Postcarding to PA State Senators and Representatives is one ongoing project. Postcards meet on the 4th Thursday of the month, starting in March, in the Schweitzer room from 10:30 to noon. All are welcome.
We will introduce another way in the Channing room on Feb. 9th, following the Worship Service at 11:30. Drop in for WRITE HERE, WRITE NOW to prepare letters to federal officials using guidance/talking points on critical issues from Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice (UUSJ), headquartered in DC. The letters will be promptly delivered by hand to their local offices. Volunteers to help do this are welcome.
WRITE HERE WRITE NOW will continue to meet on the 2nd Sunday of the month in the Schweitzer Room and relevant materials for the PA Postcarding issues from the most recent session will be available then as well. Educational materials about the important Midterm Election issues and Offices will be available as we approach the May 15 Primary and the Nov. 4 Municipal Election.
Make your voice heard in Harrisburg, Washington DC, and Grant Street. Governments at multiple levels decide how our Communities will thrive or struggle. Join with other UUs on 4th Thursdays and 2nd Sundays to WRITE for OUR VALUES.