October 6, 2024 (Click the date for the OOS)

Worship Leader  Rev. Dr. Kate R. Walker 

Liturgist  Mac Perkins-High, Intern Minister 

Music Lee Saville-Iksic, piano. Erik Lawrence, flute. 

Hymn Leaders  Bill Collinge and Ioulía Kornberg 

Tech  Will Snavely and Andrew Papale 

Prelude.  Improvisation, Erik Lawrence, flute  

Welcome   Rev. Dr. Kate R. Walker 

Chalice Lighting and Call to Worship    Rev. Kate and Mac Perkins-High 

Opening Hymn  #20 Be Thou My Vision 

Collective Grounding (Unison Reading)       Mac 

We name our collective recommitment to care for the earth. 

Knowing the ground we live upon is sacred, 

We pledge to bring new life to the earth 

New Life to the air 

New Life to the waters 

New Life to each other 

For all Life is sacred 

Wisdom Story  Mac Perkins-High “The Man Who Wore the Beard” 

Singing Our Children Out  #1059  May Your Life Be As a Song  

Stewardship Testimonial Brian Junker 

Offering    Mac 

Offertory Music: “Abdullah and Abraham Will Have Peace”, by Arnie Lawrence 

Inspired by a friendship between a Jew and a Muslim, forged by a shared love of music. 

Donations by check may be mailed to the church office.  Electronic donations can be made online through the church website or by texting “give” to (412) 435-1050 and following the instructions.          

Share the plate for PIIN* 

Joys and Sorrows: During the offertory music, you are invited to light a candle or place a stone in Blessed Community water as you offer silent gratitude or prayers. Two tables are in the sanctuary; one in the front, to the right of the platform, and one in the back right alcove. 

Sharing Joys & Sorrows     Rev. Kate 

Meditation, Silence, or Prayer     

Sung Response  #399 Vine and Fig Tree 

Reading It Is That Time and That Place, Qiyamah Rahman Mac 

Sermon Directions to Unitarian Universalist Utopia,  Rev. Kate 

Hymn   #1017 Building a New Way 

Extinguishing the Chalice Flame   Rev. Kate and Mac 

We extinguish this flame but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment: these we carry in our hearts until we are together again. 

Benediction    Rev. Kate 

Postlude  “Love Your Neighbor”, by Erik Lawrence 

To donate to Share the Plate  

– by check mailed to the church office, please include STP on the memo line  

– online on the church website, use the drop down to select Plate. 

– by texting “Give” to 412-435-1050 following the directions with the word share or pledge after the donation amount as appropriate. 

To make a pledge payment  

-by check, please put pledge in the memo line  

– online on the church website, keep the default General Fund 2024 option  

*PIIN, Pennsylvania Interfaith Impact Network