There will be a Congregational Meeting on March 26 from 12:30 to 1:30 to vote on a change to the Bylaws, allowing for two consecutive terms for members of the Board of Trustees. You will be receiving notification of this meeting via email or postal mail.
This is the language to be voted on. Underlined text is a proposed addition; strike-through text is a proposed deletion: ARTICLE V – Board of Trustees Section 2: Eligibility Individuals who have been Members of the Congregation for at least two (2) consecutive years are eligible to be elected to the Board of Trustees. Any Trustee who has served a full or partial three-year term is eligible to serve a second consecutive term if nominated by the Nominating Committee and re-elected at the Annual Meeting by the Congregation. No Trustee who has served for two consecutive terms (full or partial)24 or more consecutive months is eligible for re-election until after an interval of one (1) year. Section 3: Size and Term The Board of Trustees consists of nine (9) elected Members plus ex-officio members as specified in Section 5 of this Article. Elected Members serve three-year terms, with three (3) new Members being elected each year to replace three (3) who complete their terms.