“Prepping for Community Involvement:  Outer Work and Inner Work”

Guest speaker Caron Carnahan

As we prepare to bring our UU values into the community, what are our next steps? In anti-racism work, the inner work and the outer work are equally important. 

Bio: Caron Carnahan is a Commissioned Lay Minister at Ginger Hill UU Congregation in Slippery Rock, PA.  She is serving her third term on the board of the UUs of Greater Pittsburgh as Immediate Past-President, and as UUJusticePA’s Congregation Liaison Coordinator.  For the past three years, Caron’s ministry has focused on the UUA’s proposed 8th Principle,

and works to create a beloved community that is free from racism and oppression.

Livestreamed  at 10:30 am (prelude begins at 10:25)