Drum roll! We are approaching the date of the BIG SEND on October 29. Yes, 1135 letters will be mailed thanks to you wonderful writers from 1st Unitarian and friends. If you didn’t return your completed letters to the church, remember to put them in the mail on Saturday, the 29th.
You are 40+ individuals strong and have exceeded our expectations. Your Vote Forward letters will be reminding many people in PA of the importance of their voting on November 8. THANKS to ALL.
If you have the time and inclination, Join UUtheVotePA and Supermajority Thursday nights
October 27th and again on November 3 from 6:30 – 8:30 for outstanding phonebanks.
Last week 17 callers made 11,282 calls and confirmed 64 voter plans! The dialer is super efficient
and easy to use! register
Many thanks for all your good work, and see you at the polls.