Speaker: Rev. Stephanie Gannon

Stephanie is Affiliate Minister of First Unitarian Church of Pittsburgh.

“Hot and Humid and Yet Hopeful”

Given the heat, fires, and extreme weather events of summer, you may be feeling weighed down by anxiety and grief in the context of climate emergency. 

Please join Affiliated Community Minister Rev. Stephanie Gannon on August 4th as she preaches on finding hope and staying grounded in these … read more.

“The Promise of Autumn” 

Livestreamed  at 10:30 am (prelude begins at 10:25)

The Autumnal Equinox is here, and you may feel the change in the air. One way of understanding autumn is as a season of letting go and saying goodbye. What is autumn’s promise? How can saying goodbye intentionally open possibilities for transformation and … read more.

In Praise of Fire

Crossing the threshold to the new year offers us a potent time for reflection and imagination. On this first Sunday of 2022, please join Rev. Stephanie, Affiliate Minister of First Unitarian Church, for a Fire Communion homily and ritual as we set intentions for who … read more.