Welcome to First Unitarian Church of Pittsburgh
“Who’s in Control Around Here?”
Livestreamed at 10:30 am There it is, that thought, that pesky thought, “Why do bad things happen to good people?” And there’s that other one, “Why me?” Let’s dig in.
Our February Share the Plate is Bethel AME Church
Bethel AME Church, founded in 1808, was once a thriving congregation
and center of learning and social activism. As part of the Lower Hill
redevelopment project of the 1950’s, the Urban Redevelopment Authority
of Pittsburgh seized the church by eminent domain and demolished it.
Since then, the more the congregation learned about the situation – that is,
the value of the property versus the compensation they received, and the
fact that a neighboring white church wasn’t torn down – the more they
understood the demolition as an act of racism.
Now Bethel members are seeking reparations under the leadership of
Pastor Dale Snyder. They are challenging the city, the redevelopers of the
Lower Hill and local white faith communities to acknowledge how they
have participated in, or proted from, racist systems and to compensate
Bethel for its losses.
The First Unitarian Church is honored to Share the Plate in February with
Bethel AME Church, and to welcome Martha Moore to tell you more about
the church and the Bethel AME exhibit opening in the Undercroft Gallery
today after the service.
PUBLICSOURCE, April 14, 2021
THULA SIZWE concert at First Unitarian Church on 2/23/25

The event begins at 2:30 PM with a community sing for college students and adult choristers. Come join your voice in singing well-known South African favorites like “Siyahamba” and “Shosholoza”; hear stories from the artists; and be ready for a few surprises. The community sing will be followed by featured performance by Thula Sizwe offering traditional and original songs, drumming, and traditional Zulu dance. Open to the public! Learn more.
Thank You for a Successful Chili Cook-off!

Congregation News
- PIIN’s Annual Fundraising Gala & 25th Anniversary Celebration
- Khasi Hills Update: An Exciting Opportunity for Two Students
- Book Discussion Group: Healing Resistance by Kazu Haga facilitated by the LRED
- How can we uphold UU Values during these trying times?
- Summary of Congreation’s Assessment of the Board
- 1/26/25 Forum Event
- Your Fantasy Auction Donations Are Making a Difference
Featured Events
Church Calendar
2:00 PM - Hang Art Show
10:30 AM - Sunday Morning Worship Service
11:30 AM - Rev. Kate’s Khasi Hills Video Showing
12:30 PM - Covenant Group
1:00 PM - Women's History Art Exhibit Reception
1:00 PM - Women's History Art Exhibit Opeing
5:00 PM - Middle School Religious Education Social
5:00 PM - Building Bridges RE
5:30 PM - Pittsburgh Community Gamelan
5:30 PM - Coro Latinamericano & UU Singers
7:30 PM - Humanist Group
7:00 PM - UU Community Singers
10:00 AM - Women's Alliance
10:30 AM - Sunday Morning Worship Service
11:30 AM - First Unitarian Book Store Open
1:00 PM - Community Event
5:30 PM - Coro Latinamericano & UU Singers
5:30 PM - Pittsburgh Community Gamelan
6:30 PM - First UU Community Singers Rehearsal
7:30 PM - Men's Group
6:30 PM - First UU Community Singers Rehearsal
10:30 AM - Sunday Morning Worship Service
12:30 PM - Covenant Group
12:30 PM - UU Christian Fellowship
1:00 PM - Table Talk, Reparations with Bethel AME
5:00 PM - Building Bridges RE
5:30 PM - Pittsburgh Community Gamelan
5:30 PM - Coro Latinamericano & UU Singers
6:00 PM - Board of Trustee's meeting
10:00 AM - Women's Alliance
9:30 AM - RUaUU
10:30 AM - Sunday Morning Worship Service
11:30 AM - Introduction to Unitarian Universalism
5:30 PM - Coro Latinamericano & UU Singers
5:30 PM - Pittsburgh Community Gamelan
7:00 PM - UU Community Singers
5:00 PM - UU Community Singers Rehearsal
10:30 AM - Sunday Morning Worship Service
11:30 AM - Easter Egg Hunt
5:30 PM - Coro Latinamericano & UU Singers
5:30 PM - Pittsburgh Community Gamelan