Guest Rev. James Lynch, mentor of Robert Piemme
Livestreamed at 10:30 a.m.
Did you know the church has a strategic plan? Read it here.
Livestreamed at 10:30 a.m.
Livestreamed at 10:30 a.m. We join other Unitarian Universalist congregations coming together for a UU Climate Justice Revival as we claim Interdependence as a core value. We act to collectively reimagine a spirit-filled and liberatory future. Through conversations, worship, and advocacy, congregations will work together to realize climate justice and collective liberation in our communities.
Livestreamed at 10:30 a.m. Since 1648 the heart of our religious beliefs and structure have been rooted in the mutual commitments we make to one another on behalf of our values and principles, and in the practice of living out those commitments in religious community. How do we practice the core value of Generosity and Love in our … Continue reading “From 1648 to 2024: A Living Covenant”
Recorded at 10:30 a.m. This is our annual In-Gathering Multigenerational worship with our annual ritual of Gathering of the Waters. Please bring a small sample of water representing your home or summer travels. We will reflect on the Theme of the Month, Covenant. What does it ask of you and me? How do we put Love … Continue reading “Do You Promise?”
Recorded at 10:30 am This sermon reminds us that this holiday honors the labor unions that transformed the lives of generations of “the working poor.” But over the past four decades, Labor Day has become more of an end-of-summer picnic for most Americans, while labor laws have been weakened and wages for the poorest workers have … Continue reading Putting “Labor” Back in Labor Day
Recorded at 10:30 a.m. From exploding stars to war or crossing the street, there are many things to worry about. If we let our imaginations play with our fears, we may retreat to a cave. How does our faith encourage us to “Keep Calm and Carry On” as the British like to say?
Recorded at 10:30 am While the idea of gaslighting is not new, its recent increase in use creates questions within questions and considerable self-doubt. What tools do we have to help in our discernment? How can our faith prevent a slide into disbelief about what is verifiably true?
Recorded at 10:30 am This is the annual Sunday when I welcome written questions from those in attendance or like to plan and email them to me. A wide variety of topics are welcome, particularly around UU theology, dogs and tea. I hold the right to defer to actual experts. Please submit your questions to me … Continue reading “Question Box Sunday”
Recorded at 10:30 am Given the heat, fires, and extreme weather events of summer, you may be feeling weighed down by anxiety and grief in the context of a climate emergency. Please join Affiliated Community Minister Rev. Stephanie Gannon on August 4th as she preaches on finding hope and staying grounded in these heated times.
Recorded at 10:30 am We all need each other to thrive. Yet, we forget this on a daily basis with our busy minds. As human beings, we have a strong, dramatic desire to dichotomize our world into two groups. Us vs. them. Good vs. Evil. We get lost in believing that we are a separate self. … Continue reading “We Need Each Other to Thrive”
Recorded at 10:30 am Homelessness is on the rise. As rent prices soar and the cost of living continues to get out of hand, more and more individuals and families find themselves asking, “Where can I go?”. Robert Piemme has worked for a social service agency for the past few years and does street outreach to our … Continue reading “Where can I go?”