Friday Game Nights in the Priestly Room

Our weekly Friday board game nights are hopping! We have strategy board games, food, drinks, even music. Are you 18 – 35(ish?) Please drop by and play games with us! For more information, contact YA Ministries Coordinator Kelly Reagan at so she can invite you to our Meetup Group and Discord server.

Starting soon: Bi-weekly Party Game Nights (alternating with board games).

*For the most up-to-date information on these events, visit the Meetup Group: Shadyside Strategy and RPGs.

Spirituality Circle – Sundays @ 12:30 in the Harper Room

We meet after the service and coffee hour each Sunday for an opportunity to share things going on in our lives and discuss spiritual topics and questions. Sometimes it might be what we thought of the sermon, sometimes it might be a reading or idea someone has brought. Friendly and fun! For more information, contact YA Ministries Coordinator Kelly Reagan at